How To Configure an FTP Client ( FileZilla) ?

There are many types of FTP clients – some are free, some are paid, some are user friendly, some are not. Clients like FileZilla or Cute FTP are one of the most commonly used for manipulating, adding and removing files via FTP connection between the local and the remote machines. 

In order to get started, you need to do some configuring. Let's take FileZilla for example.

First, go to the FileZilla official page and download the FileZilla client. Follow the instructions and once the installation is done you should see something like that:

How to start with FileZilla

Then you need to establish a connection to the remote server. The easiest way to do so is by using the Quickconnection bar. 

QuickConnect FileZilla

  • Under “Host” enter your domain/ server IP/ server name. In case you use ETNHost's services and everything is correctly pointed to our servers, it is ok to enter for a standard FTP connection.
  •  For username and password use your cPanel credentials.
  • You can leave the “Port” section empty as FTP runs on port 21 by default.
  • Click “Quickconnect”. In the window below ( message window), you will be notified when the connection is successful.  

FileZilla Successfully Connected

Still, the devil is in the details:

  • If your domain is in propagation period, you will need to use the server name or IP to connect.
  • If you are connecting via add-on account, you will need to enter your full FTP along with the dedicated password. 
  • Take care of your Transfer settings. Under Edit ->Settings select Transfers from the menu. There you can manage the numbers of your simultaneous transfers and concurrent actions. 
  • Simultaneous transfers should be set to 2 or less. It is also recommended that you set your concurrent uploads and downloads to 1 or 2 as if you leave them to “0”  you risk haveing your IP blocked due to performing unlimited connections to the server.

FileZilla Transfers settings



These settings may vary if you want to establish a secure connection. Do not hesitate to contact us with any quires.

So, you are ready to File Transfer ! 

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