Volunteering is a work of heart!

Many people get chills when they hear the word “volunteer” because in their head this is a pointless waste of time, for which they will never get a thing in return. Those people couldn't be more wrong!
Volunteering is not some group activity that leads to massive waste of time. The truth is that by doing volunteer work you gain much, much more than you could possibly receive. And no, we are not talking about material things. You gain gratification for helping the ones who are less fortunate than you and trust us when we say that our world is simply designed in such a way, that there is always someone less fortunate than us.
You may wonder, where do web hosting services fit in all of this. Well they do and they don't and in a minute, you will understand why. Today the world celebrates Volunteer Recognition Day. This day honors the selfless people of the world, that draw their motivation from the smiles on the faces of the people they help. Those people bring the humane in human, and they indeed need to be thanked for doing such an inspirational job!
So, let us share something about our company. Here at ETNHost, we draw our inspiration from those selfless people, and we do try to better ourselves. We realize that every single act counts, as long as it brings a smile to at least one person. We try to take part in as many charitable and voluntary activities as our time and capabilities allow us. Some of the activities that we participate in are:
- An initiative to describe a picture of something that inspires us to a blind person;
- An initiative to give an educational games to an unprivileged children;
- Donating blood;
- Visiting children that live in a home and mentoring them.
We are not listing those things to seek approval or even gratification. There are things that aren't even featured in this post. We receive all the gratification we need from the fact that we are helping. This post is not about us. It is about you! We want to encourage you to be the kind of person that helps others. It doesn't have to be something big or time consuming. There are things you can do from the comfort of your own home.
But it is not just us that take volunteering seriously. Many large IT companies take part in voluntary activities and try to make a difference in the world because these exact voluntary activities are considered a virtue.
Thanks to the TimeHeroes organization many large companies stand united in the world of voluntary work. TimeHeroes managed to turn the act of volunteering into a friendly game of “Who Will Help The Most”. Companies from different sectors take part in this initiative by participating in different “missions” with the goal of helping other people. All of these companies, including ETNHost, have joined the Declaration of employers in Bulgaria which means that all of these companies consider volunteer work to be a valuable experience and are happy to develop the voluntary side of their company structure by considering the job applications of people that have some experience with voluntary work, during the selection process.
In a research made by LinkedIn, it is said that 41% of the employers will consider hiring people with some experience with voluntary work because it is considered to help people with gaining confidence and communicative skills as well as team-working skills.
To help with the sustainable development of the world many web hosting companies, including ours, are using green energy, providing green hosting to their clients and participating in many voluntary initiatives, because we all realize that we have the power to make a difference and to help the world be a better place.
Volunteering is all about improving the quality of life, both ours and the one of the people around us. Sadly today the world is mostly driven by the need of more and more material things. There is no need to say that having more is not most important thing. Sometimes less is more.
Volunteering is kindness. And everyone deserves a little kindness in their lives.
So the team of ETNHost invites you to be nice to each other and help the ones in need, join TimeHeroes initiatives and have a Happy Volunteering Recognition Day!