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Discussing all things Web Hosting

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16 Nov 2017



ETNHost at WordCamp Sofia 2017
Dear Friends, WordCamp Sofia 2017 has passed and we hope it was a satisfying and fun event for you as it was for us from ETNHost! We're glad we had the opportunity to meet, talk and share time together. We hope that your interest in the event has been justified, and that you have found a new and better way to optimize your workflow. We congratulate Katerina Temelkova specially for winning t...
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23 Dec 2016



Be #Selfieless This Festive Season With ETNHost!
The time to show some respect for the others around us has come. After the idea was widely (wildly) spread in Europe, now its Bulgaria’s turn to point the camera lights in the right direction – towards the actions. Cannon and The Red Cross remind us that since we can take about 93 millions of selfies per a single day, we have the power to do something bigger than us. The social initiat...
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21 Jul 2016



Pokémon Go took over ETNHost
With the release of Pokémon Go the world became obsessed with hunting and catching the little virtual creatures. All of this seemed like a good way for the kids to go out and explore the world beyond the computer screen. To get a little more acquainted with the real world surroundings. Yeah, it all seemed all fun and games until THEY took a hold of US. Let me tell you the story of our good...
Categories: Tech Talks , ETNHost Insider
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20 Apr 2016



Volunteering is a work of heart!
Many people get chills when they hear the word “volunteer” because in their head this is a pointless waste of time, for which they will never get a thing in return. Those people couldn't be more wrong!  Volunteering is not some group activity that leads to massive waste of time. The truth is that by doing volunteer work you gain much, much more than you could possibly receive...
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04 Apr 2016



Cat Lovers meet the Host Busters
For the team of ETNHost, this Sunday morning was filled with excitement, cheer, and kitten ears. Our team of Host Busters faced their greatest challenge yet – to get up early on a Sunday to participate in a race. But not just any kind of a race, but one with a cause – to raise money for stray cats of Plovdiv.  And let me ask you, what is cuter than furry cat ears and pointy cat wh...
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