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09 Feb 2016



Safer Internet Day 2016: Play your part for a better Internet!
Safer Internet Day or SID is a global day dedicated to the celebration of Internet Safety. The operation is organized by Insafe, which is a European network of awareness centers, which are located all over the world and are promoting the safe and responsible use of the Internet. Safer Internet Day is celebrated all over the world, with more than 100 countries taking part in the event. 2016 marks ...
Categories: Company Culture , Tech Talks
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08 Feb 2016



Drive Yourself Into the Month of Love With the New .cars Top Level Domain
Beep beep! Watch out! It is here… The thing that will make your automobile-oriented website even more memorable. The new top-level-domain .cars is here to drive you, not crazy, but into the future of car-based websites. For some, the month of February is dedicated to writing poems, buying big plush bears that say “I wuv you beary much”, whispering sweet nothings into the ears o...
Categories: Domain Names
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01 Feb 2016



Meet .physio Domain- Exciting New Alternative for Your Private Practice
ETNHost is happy to announce that the new .physio domain name is available as an option when registering a new domain. The .physio domains are industry-specific, targeted at physio and physical therapy practitioners and organizations, who can now benefit from a memorable and easily distinguishable domain name for their websites.  The Top Level Domain (TLD) administrator, policy authorit...
Categories: Domain Names
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27 Jan 2016



Keep Calm And Register Your “.uk” Domain With Us
We all know that terrible feeling- it was beginning to seem like all the best web addresses had been taken and becoming more difficult to find that perfect domain for your business. And then the Internet just got even bigger. The new gTLDs came out. The last couple of years marked the rapid introduction of new and unconventional domain name extensions such as .club, .me, .bid, .London, .trade and...
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Categories: Domain Names
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09 Dec 2015



Say “Hello” to WordPress 4.4, ‘Clifford’!
After months of development, today launched version 4.4, dubbed “Clifford”, named after the famous jazz trumpeter Clifford Brown. This release features responsive images, WordPress embeds, the new Twenty Sixteen default theme, the first half of the REST API, and a host of small improvements.  Introducing Twenty Sixteen As with most WordPress releases, WordPress 4...
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